
Hello Kinky People

I am Ms Neta.
This blog is about sharing my gentle, nurturing side.


Tuesday, 22 December 2015

11 Questions for submissive males

1. How old were you when you first realised that you wanted to be sexually dominated by a woman?

2. Would you say that the desire to be sexually dominated by a woman has grown stronger or weaker as you have grown older?

3. Can you recall any experiences from childhood that you would classify as female domination (of you)?

4. Can you recall having submissive feelings toward women when you were growing up?

5. Were you affected (as a young man) by any main stream movies that had female domination themes or scenes in them?

6. Have you ever confessed to your family about your desires to be dominated by a woman?

7. What parts of yourself would you be willing to surrender over to a domme (assuming a committed relationship)? Your sex life? Your personal life? Your finances? Your free time? Every area of yourself?

8. What area of yourself are you least likely to surrender over to her?

9. What are your feelings about Female Supremacy?

10. Does being humiliated by female, including being belittled, degraded, and verbally abused appeal to you?

11. Would you endure being denied sexual orgasms for long periods of time?