Good evening to those who pop into read my blog occasionally.
Its Saturday, and I am relaxing in bed, watching one of my favourite cop shows - SVU.
I have been working in a new jjob this week, and let me tell you people its been extremely challenging. Not loving it particularly but it brings the money in. I was offered another job earlier in the week but have decided to decline it as its not the kind of industry I wish to return to.
We have our play party next weekend up in Launceston and let me say, not feeling excited. Most of the equipment is mine and I have to transfer it up there with the help of others but still it would be nice to have a set dungeon and not have to assemble then dismantle some of the equipment. Cripes.
Overall, life has been going along well. Nothing too major happening in life but its pleasant enough. I am off to Melbourne with the family early October to spend some money and catch up with family.
November I have a few interstate FemDoms travelling to attend one of my CFnm play parties. Tassie will be pumping along with the various parties that have been planned over the next few months.
Its absolutely wonderful to feel the temperatures rising... weather-wise :)