
Hello Kinky People

I am Ms Neta.
This blog is about sharing my gentle, nurturing side.


Tuesday, 30 August 2016


Travel to Launceston 28/8/16

Sunday, I travelled up to Launceston to attend a munch for my local group.  Two other kinksters accompanied me.

The day was lovely, and my day had started early.

I got up early, prepared my animals, then left my residence at 8.40am in order to pick up another FemDom at 9.00am.  We then went to my old workplace to feed the animals there.

At 9.50am, we picked up a kinkster near Moonah, and off we went on our travels to have lunch with the northern kinksters.

We got to Campbelltown about 11.30am.

At 11.45am, we left Campbelltown, and I was immediately pulled up by the cops for speeding :(

The cop says you do realise you went pass 2 x 60km signs.  I said, no.  He said, what were you doing and I say - eating toast.  He said that's not a good enough reason.  I showed my license, etc.  Anyway, I was all very cutesy, and said he could not run my license but if I hadn't had a speeding fine in 3 years, I would receive a waiver caution.  Let's see what turns up in the mail this week.  A waiver or a $150 fine with the loss of 3 demerit points.  TEDIOUS.

Anyhoo we continued to travel to Launceston and arrived about 12pm.

Most of the kinksters were there.  I had 14 people in attendance.  It was a good turn out.  Some new people I hadn't met.

We all had a lovely meal and chatter.

We departed at 2.15pm, and I arrived home at 5pm.

This munch was a pre-cursor to the northern play party we have planned for September.  I am hoping to have at least 20-25 people.  Fingers crossed.  That said, I would be happy to settle for 20 kinksters getting their kink on.

That was my Sunday folks.  A long day but satisfying that people are keen to connect with likeminded in order to get their future kink on with each other.

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

A Strong Woman

Journal 23/8/16

Well this week has been rather up and down.

Crazy shit but I won't go into detail... it's tedious to relay.

This Sunday we have a munch being held in Launceston.  Only a dozen people but at least we have some kinksters who are interested in connecting with others on a social level... without the shy factor entering into the equation.

So let's talk about my week.

Monday, I had a lovely chat with my slave friend.  He's a cutie.

Also had to deal with some politics in my online group.  Again the usual person is involved and has affected a few things happening in the group but nothing major that I cannot handle.

I have a huge day at work tomorrow (Wed) so it will be a relief when that's over.

I have taken on chap to train for his future Mistress.  His training commenced last week with boundaries put in place.  He has be sent the slave positions to start learning in preparation for serving his future Mistress.  Besides the positions, he will be shown how to give a foot bath, and learn how to properly give a foot massage.  His training will continue for three months then he will be released to pursue his future Mistress.  He thinks the training is going to be easy... he's in for a shock.

My bill has been unwell of late.  I informed him he must go to the doctors.  He did today and he is now on the road to recovery.  He is a loyal and committed submissive.  I am blessed to have him in my life.  He has been given a hard time during his service to me but he still remains focussed and loyal.  Bless him.

We are taking the family out on Thursday for a congratulatory dinner for our eldest receiving amazing marks in her school work.  A lovely restaurant in Salamanca.

Friday, I am catching up with with a few of my ex staff from my last position.  Out to dinner in North Hobart.  Its a farewell for two other staff who recently resigned.  It appears I started a trend.  I cannot abide bureaucratic bullshit.

This week is half and half.  Half Vanilla interactions and half Kink interactions.  Awesome.  Balance is important in life.

Saturday will be testing the 'bottom/sub' to see how well he learnt his positions.  The cane will be in my hand.

Sunday.  Munch in Launceston.

I feel a little tired thinking about the week ahead.  Aah well can't complain.  Better it's interesting rather than a boring domestic staying at home watching TV.

OK its off to bed for this Mistress. 

Sunday, 21 August 2016

Email from the submissive I met today - 21/8/16

The feeling is mutual Miss : )

You are not only physically attractive but i am attracted to Your wonderful personality. You were an absolute pleasure to be with and be around :)

i Am lucky You decided to meet me Miss

Warm hugs submissively and on my knees to You 


As I said in my thoughts post earlier, I met this man from W.A. today.  He was a surprise.  When I laid my eyes on him, I thought: delicious, I could eat him all up.  My primalness within rose up, as I stared at him.   Luckily, I was only meeting him for a coffee and chat... perhaps later in the year, I will eat him all up.  Ha!

He reminded me of my ex slave, actually... but different.

Thoughts 21/8/16

My time has flown since last I visited here.

Well let's say my new job is flat out.  Exhilarating and stressful.  Yeah!

One day I will learn how to relax, however, life is busy at home, work, kink life.

Anyway I wanted to share with you something that happened to me yesterday... well actually a few things happened to me.

One, I discovered disloyalty, manipulation, hurt feelings, the farce of sisterhood, and the realness of sisterhood.  It was a rollercoaster of shit happening  *hehe*

I was feeling a little flat by something that occurred but I stand by belief in what was said to someone who continually attacks people online.  He got all hurt, and someone close to me, has been suckered in again by this person.  Its OK... I had a feeling it would happen.  My intuition most times is spot on.

Two, I went online to the usual site I frequent and saw some of my sisters in Queensland sitting in a throne I sat in late July.  The caption for the four photos of the four different Dominant Sisters was:  tribute to Ms Neta.  I was moved by their respect towards me... especially, women who do not live in my state.  I am thinking I should move to Queensland to be closer to other Dominant Women, who get it.  Who understand true Sisterhood, and commit to that philosophy.  These Women were in my company for a short period of time (a few hours) but in that period they were in awe of me, my presence, my realness.  They then created a fetish about me... ha ha ha.  OK, I was a little embarrassed by the newly created but hey, I'll own it.  "Doing it like a Queen like Ms Neta"


Anyhoo, that elevated me to a better frame of mind knowing there are genuine people out there who aren't ruled by petty jealousies and envy.  They were accepting of me, and obviously felt I was one of the real Lifestylers out there.  They are awesome... or is that mint?  And it is an absolute pleasure to be connected to them.

Oh, I must add that to slave's profile... just because. 

Today, I met up with a chap from W.A.  I met him on another site, and he was quiet and respectful.  Although originally a Tasmanian.  He was coming down to visit his folks, so we caught up today for a coffee.  Anyone been to the Cat Cafe in North Hobart?  I am not big on cats but let me tell you folks, it was bloody wonderful.  These cheeky cats running around, many sleeping feeling rather comfortable and safe in their environment.  The lovely submissive wasn't as unattractive as he portrayed.  In fact he was kind of sexy in a most interesting way.  However, this was a meet and greet.  He will return later in the year and we will reconnect.

Oh by the way there is a Cat Cafe in Subiaco, W.A.  I recommend you go and bask in the glory of those little beastie predators, and enjoy coffee and food at the same time.

May be I should visit W.A. to see what the FemDoms are like up there... something to think about for 2017.

OK, dinner is ready... I will return later with some other thoughts.

Saturday, 13 August 2016

Confessional game

Here's your big chance to tell the world, and me... and still keep it a secret.

The Rules:
  • Post 3 statements. (Not essays, statements.)
  • Number them - 1, 2, 3 - because I said so.
  • Each of the statements will describe a humiliating experience, as if it happened to you.
  • One must be something true that has actually happened to you.
  • The other two must not be true.
  • They must all be plausible.
  • No mention of people under 18 (including yourself), or animals, or actual rape. (Yes, that should be obvious but we know what you little sub-humans are like.)
  • Think before you post. Once you've posted it, it's there for me, and others to see.
  • Anyone can comment on the contributions
So, take your hand off your puny little cock, put it on the keyboard (and what a filthy, nasty keyboard it is), and...


Question time - 13/8/16

How do men distinguish women they want to “wife”  or commit to, between the women they just want to have sex with?

Enquiring minds want to know…?

20 things to help keep life in perspective this year...

1. Nothing is permanent. You will learn this again and again and again. Impermanence is forever and it makes life exciting. Embrace change and enjoy the journey.

2. Lazy days are just as important as productive days. Don’t be afraid to take a day for yourself every once in a while, because contrary to popular belief, “lazy days” are far from unproductive. Alone time is not only important to refuel, but also to reflect.

3. With the right people by your side, you can survive anything. “Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and thinkers, but most of all, surround yourself with those who see the greatness within you, even when you don’t see it yourself.”

4. Success is, and will always be, subjective. Success means achieving the goals and objectives according to YOUR plan.

5. Speak your opinion, but don’t force it upon others.

6. Life literally never goes as planned, so don’t waste your time fretting about the future. Life is never going to work out how you planned and the sooner you accept that, the sooner you will start greeting the unexpected with open arms. Let the unknown, the unplanned and the possibility of change excite you. Let the future take you to places you never knew.

7. Keep your mind open to different cultures. Learn from other people and leave your assumptions behind. Don’t assume that your way is the only way or that you know everything.

8. If she mentions it more than once, it’s bothering her.

9. When it feels scary to jump, that’s exactly when you jump. Otherwise you end up staying the same place your whole life, and there’s nothing more scary than that.

10. Do not compromise who you are to impress someone else. Your trials, experiences and life altogether have sculpted you into the most lovely version of you possible. If a person doesn’t like the way you live, from your looks to your life choices, who cares? You were not put on this earth to impress them, or anyone for that matter.

11. Don’t let your losses keep you back from new gains.

12. Fall in love with someone who never lets you fall asleep thinking you’re unwanted. Someone who will never leave you behind and who will never take you for granted. Someone who will stand by you when you’re right and stand by you when you’re wrong.

13. Sometimes you miss the memories, not the person. People change, memories don’t.

14. The greatest prison that people live in is the fear of what other people think. Someone’s opinion of you does not have to become your reality. The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday. Caring too much about what people may say or think if you do something can keep you in the same old rut, unable to move forward and to live the life you truly want to live.

15. Pizza is always a good idea.

16. Don’t glamorize sadness. Sadness is not beautiful. Happiness is the most beautiful thing about a person.

17. Time is not a measure of quality; of infatuation, or of love. You can be in a relationship for two years and feel nothing; you can be in a relationship for 2 months and feel everything.

18. Sometimes all you need is some time in a beautiful place to clear your head.

19. Always be a little kinder than necessary. Kindness is contagious. You don’t know what someone else is going through and it’s not hard to make someone’s day a little special.

20. It will all be okay at the end of the day. Life has a funny way of working out.

A giggle


An interesting week

Well I have had an interesting week, this week.

I run a local online group which is also a real time group on a kink site.

I received two abusive emails from this one ‘dominant’ because I removed his comment from a thread that was attacking towards a member of our group.  Yes the person he was referring was not named but it upset a couple of people so I had to remove it.  The email from the 'dominant
was amusing nonetheless.

I received a threatening email from one dominant.  Sighs.

And, I received a complimentary email from a switch.  Hooray.

All very interesting in the space of 48 hours.

Then I commented on a status message in support of another dominant, and was again verbally attacked by the ‘dominant’.  Apparently he thinks I have so much power that I can bring the local scene together if I stamp out the trash.  Ha!  If only.

Then my dominant friend who made the status message came to my defense.  It was unnecessary as I responded to the ‘dominant’ in a most reasonable way…which irked him but it so amused me.

Then the next day a dominant joined my group and stated he was looking for people to play with in the north.  People who were into more sexual activities rather than BDSM.  I asked a question from the post… a few others responded to my question within this post.  I reminded the guy to read the information in the group since he was new to the group and scene.  He replied, insulted… how dare I suggest he read information as he was not interested in attending any of our planned events.  I should have twigged he was a troll.  I responded being most reasonable.  He backed down.  Then the dominant who sent me the threatening email the day before popped in and gave the troll some advice about where he can find likeminded on other sites to engage in the type of activities he was seeking.

I saw the troll return, and read his post.  It was aggressively attacking the dominant who had sent me a threatening email the day before.  Because the troll had mentioned that dominant’s name, it was my duty to the group to remove the comment, remove the troll from the group, and close the discussion.
The troll threatened to leave the site.  3 days later he is still on the site.  My goddess, the trolls are rampant.

And the most amusing thing about the issues I have had recently is, all the troublemakers are male dominants.  They are all petulant children who try to gaslight, threaten and abuse and all they are really doing is showing how puerile, ego-driven, pathetic, idiotic fools they truly are… and even more amusing, the community can see their behaviour.  

I will not tolerate shit from these male dominants.  They can say their shit outside of the group but come into my group and I will make an example of them…and believe you me, that is not just talk.  I am a Woman of my word, and will not tolerate bullshit from males who can’t get over their ego crap.

Sometimes its tough being a FemDom and a Woman running an online and real time group because of the jealousies, and haters.  Get over it boys, go start your own group!

Friday, 12 August 2016


FemDom Tas Play Party - 30/7/16

WOW, absolutely awesome evening with likeminded. Thank you so much everyone for making the effort to travel to attend FDCT first PP for the year. It was apparent there was enormous enjoyment happening with so many activities occurring.


A Female Domination evening commenced at 7.00pm.

We had 5 Females and 5 males in attendance.

It truly was an awesome night.

I welcomed all attendees, spoke about the rules and safety aspects so it was clear for all.  I was also the dungeon Monitor for the evening!

The activities throughout the night consisted of caning, foot massage, cock flogging, florentine flogging, single arm flogging, paddling, double hand spanking, sounding of the cock, teaching someone to sound cocks, sensation play with wartenburg wheels, strap on fucking, and electro play.

We never got to do golden showers....but next time.

We Females were busy having fun with all the males.  Lots of intense play.  It was a really fabulous time for everyone. 

At the end of the evening, we were all zonked.

There was lot of food, drink and chatter throughout the night. The atmosphere was awesome.  I am very much looking forward to another femdom event in 2017.

My Kinky Weekend in Brisbane 23/7/16

On 23/7/16, I attended Obeisance at Fetish Empire in Brisbane for a FemDom event.

We arrived about 9.15pm.

The venue is just amazing. BDSM furniture everywhere; a large space that emanated warmth with its décor.

I greeted the beautiful Mistress Chiquitita who in turned introduced me to some of the attendees.
mani and I went to the bar to have a drink prior to socialising. We returned to the group of Female Dominants and male submissives and proceeded with introductions and lively chat.

It was awesome.

Time was flying. I felt it was time to start a scene of some sort to get things moving so I spoke with the Hostess to enquire whether we could proceed.

the submissive set up my floggers and other impact implements. I could feel the energy brimming within… nervous excitement… this always happens when I am about to play publicly.

Also I didn’t know these people, so many of them were unfamiliar to me but I felt acceptance from them immediately during my interactions with them.

So many gorgeous Dominant Women.

I enjoy flogging. Most people know this. Most people are disinterested by this form of play because its just not ‘BDSM or D/s sexy enough'. I disagree. I think it is super sexy and believe more people should pick up those floggers and ‘do their thang’.

I cuffed mani to the cross. I did some warm ups for my shoulders and arms as mani is a pain slut and can take some intense impact play. I had hurt my shoulder recently and it was just starting to improve. As I was warming up, and the beat of the music was placing me into a sexy headspace, I became aware of people entering the play space and sitting down. I thought, "shit, I have an audience already and I haven’t even started".

However, I blocked them out as my focus was to enjoy the flogging of the submissive.

Safewords were discussed, and then the scene commenced.

I proceeded with my red flogger. Its red suede with long falls, not sure of the measurements but its my longest flogger. I love that flogger! I started off with single strokes to mani’s shoulder flank area. Slowly, confidently and softly.

I became more attuned to the music, the submissive’s back was a smooth pale canvas to strike and stroke… and then I proceeded with focus.

His back area started to warm up. I touched his skin with my hands to check all was going well. It's my nurturing nature. I checked in a couple of times with him.

The impact blows increased in intensity. mani had his eyes closed and accepted the gift of impact.
More people came into the play space. I was looking serious, unsmiling, focussed. I was so enjoying giving the flogging.

Then the tempo of the music changed, almost trance-like, and I moved to pick up my two purple suede floggers, shorter falls, and really an awesome duo.

Now over the past year, I have been really keen on learning Florentine flogging. Two floggers being used simultaneously, fluid, flowing, as one. I have practised on bill a few times, did it once at one of our local play parties, not great, but hey, practise makes perfect. I went to Splinter in Melbourne earlier in the year and watched two males giving Florentine flogging. They were both very experienced and awesome.  I watched them closely. I was learning their techniques as I wanted to be just as good as them… one day.

The purple floggers were in my hands, and I commenced… slowly and softly, so the submissive would feel, and embrace, the double impact.

I felt a smile appear on my face, and I was feeling in the zone. Yes, I know that may sound wanky to some, but I was being enveloped by the zone.,,the music helped take me there. I felt my body start to sway to the music as I applied floggers to the shoulder flank areas, together. I tend to do this action, five times. Then the figure 8 (not sure of the correct terminology) movement which was firmer but not harder. I alternated between bringing both floggers down at the same time, then the figure 8. The impacts were becoming harder. I then went into the poi movement – which is just a stunning movement to observe. I recall when I first started practising the poi movement, I was hopeless. I used to do poi when I was heavily involved in my Maori culture in NZ but after living in Oz for over half my life, I had forgotten how to do it. Well practise makes perfect. I was on fire, and felt exhilarated.
I swayed, I yahooed, I boogied on down, I giggled (yes Ms Neta does giggle occasionally) all the while applying strong flogging impact to both the shoulder flank and arse areas. mani jumped a few times as he felt those floggers kissing and biting his skin. In between, I reminded him of my presence by touching and scratching his flesh, or whispering into ear, or leaning into him. This was a sexy scene.

I used a heart shaped crop on his back area and slapped his arse with my fabulous leather strap. Hey, I am all about mixing it up.

The music was intense and I felt so alive to be around likeminded, with common interests… finally.
The scene went for approx. 45 minutes – time flew – and I finally ceased the play. I was a touch exhausted from all the exertion but damn, was I feeling good. I checked in on mani, he was spacey… and he was grinning ear to ear, absolutely rapt with the flogging scene.

The submissive’s back was one hot red piece of lovely flesh. Fabulous.

I uncuffed the submissive from the Cross and provided some aftercare. As I moved away from him and the space, I turned and all these people were sitting, watching. I was taken aback at the audience and their presence. I had people saying to me as I walked passed them how fantastic the flogging scene was, they liked my flogging style and one gorgeous Dominant said it was rare to see mani jump so much, particularly with a flogging scene. I was moved by the compliments of these generous people.

I felt overjoyed at the feeling of giving such an intense and enjoyable flogging scene, and to the generosity of the Ladies and boys who were present who appreciated my scene.

At 11.05pm. There was a slave auction.

I bidded on a male submissive who adores foot worship/massage. Yep, I got him. A lovely young man.

He massaged by feet for one hour. He did an amazing job. 50 minutes of foot and leg massage with lovely oil, and 10 minutes of boot worship with his tongue. Lucky him. His excitement was very evident.

After my pampering, I went downstairs to see what was happening. I missed a sounding scene. Damn. I was shown how to use this interesting whip… I can’t recall the name of it but talk about accuracy when flicked… its weighted in the handle which helps with the accuracy. Bloody awesome implement. I want one. Then I used a kangaroo tail flogger, it looks like a dragon tail only its made of a kangaroo tail (gulp). Next, I was shown how to use the Violet Wand by the lovely Velvettorque (such a talented Woman) with its various attachments.

I was buzzing from all the Kinky activity I was involved in coupled with the lovely conversations I had with the various Dominants and submissives present.


Overall, my weekend in Brisbane was one of the most enjoyable times I have had relating to Kink in a long time.

Obeisance was an awesome event. I will most definitely return, Mistress C.

Fetish Empire is a bloody amazing dungeon. I will definitely return, NT.

Thank you to mani for his service over the weekend, and thank you to the Brisbane kinksters for making me feel so welcome both at Chateau Fetiche and Obeisance. I look forward to visiting next year to see you all again.

Oh, and loved the Turkish Restaurant on Friday night with the 5 kinksters. What a fabulous night of food, company and chat. You made me feel so welcome.

Afterwards, we went to Chateau Fetiche... another awesome dungeon. The hosts were very kind and welcoming. Loved that sensory deprivation box. I am going to get one made up by one of our kinky builders in Tas.

A gratitude email - 11/8/16

Ms Neta,
my apologies for this late thank You.

Please accept my gratitude for the honour You so graciously bestowed upon this boi by allowing him to kneel before You and massage Your beautiful feet.

i am especially thankful for my reward, my unworthy lips upon Your Boots.

You are a Lady of great presence and it was a pleasure meeting You.