My time has flown since last I visited here.
Well let's say my new job is flat out. Exhilarating and stressful. Yeah!
One day I will learn how to relax, however, life is busy at home, work, kink life.
Anyway I wanted to share with you something that happened to me yesterday... well actually a few things happened to me.
One, I discovered disloyalty, manipulation, hurt feelings, the farce of sisterhood, and the realness of sisterhood. It was a rollercoaster of shit happening *hehe*
I was feeling a little flat by something that occurred but I stand by belief in what was said to someone who continually attacks people online. He got all hurt, and someone close to me, has been suckered in again by this person. Its OK... I had a feeling it would happen. My intuition most times is spot on.
Two, I went online to the usual site I frequent and saw some of my sisters in Queensland sitting in a throne I sat in late July. The caption for the four photos of the four different Dominant Sisters was: tribute to Ms Neta. I was moved by their respect towards me... especially, women who do not live in my state. I am thinking I should move to Queensland to be closer to other Dominant Women, who get it. Who understand true Sisterhood, and commit to that philosophy. These Women were in my company for a short period of time (a few hours) but in that period they were in awe of me, my presence, my realness. They then created a fetish about me... ha ha ha. OK, I was a little embarrassed by the newly created but hey, I'll own it. "Doing it like a Queen like Ms Neta"
Anyhoo, that elevated me to a better frame of mind knowing there are genuine people out there who aren't ruled by petty jealousies and envy. They were accepting of me, and obviously felt I was one of the real Lifestylers out there. They are awesome... or is that mint? And it is an absolute pleasure to be connected to them.
Oh, I must add that to slave's profile... just because.
Today, I met up with a chap from W.A. I met him on another site, and he was quiet and respectful. Although originally a Tasmanian. He was coming down to visit his folks, so we caught up today for a coffee. Anyone been to the Cat Cafe in North Hobart? I am not big on cats but let me tell you folks, it was bloody wonderful. These cheeky cats running around, many sleeping feeling rather comfortable and safe in their environment. The lovely submissive wasn't as unattractive as he portrayed. In fact he was kind of sexy in a most interesting way. However, this was a meet and greet. He will return later in the year and we will reconnect.
Oh by the way there is a Cat Cafe in Subiaco, W.A. I recommend you go and bask in the glory of those little beastie predators, and enjoy coffee and food at the same time.
May be I should visit W.A. to see what the FemDoms are like up there... something to think about for 2017.
OK, dinner is ready... I will return later with some other thoughts.