
Hello Kinky People

I am Ms Neta.
This blog is about sharing my gentle, nurturing side.


Saturday, 13 August 2016

20 things to help keep life in perspective this year...

1. Nothing is permanent. You will learn this again and again and again. Impermanence is forever and it makes life exciting. Embrace change and enjoy the journey.

2. Lazy days are just as important as productive days. Don’t be afraid to take a day for yourself every once in a while, because contrary to popular belief, “lazy days” are far from unproductive. Alone time is not only important to refuel, but also to reflect.

3. With the right people by your side, you can survive anything. “Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and thinkers, but most of all, surround yourself with those who see the greatness within you, even when you don’t see it yourself.”

4. Success is, and will always be, subjective. Success means achieving the goals and objectives according to YOUR plan.

5. Speak your opinion, but don’t force it upon others.

6. Life literally never goes as planned, so don’t waste your time fretting about the future. Life is never going to work out how you planned and the sooner you accept that, the sooner you will start greeting the unexpected with open arms. Let the unknown, the unplanned and the possibility of change excite you. Let the future take you to places you never knew.

7. Keep your mind open to different cultures. Learn from other people and leave your assumptions behind. Don’t assume that your way is the only way or that you know everything.

8. If she mentions it more than once, it’s bothering her.

9. When it feels scary to jump, that’s exactly when you jump. Otherwise you end up staying the same place your whole life, and there’s nothing more scary than that.

10. Do not compromise who you are to impress someone else. Your trials, experiences and life altogether have sculpted you into the most lovely version of you possible. If a person doesn’t like the way you live, from your looks to your life choices, who cares? You were not put on this earth to impress them, or anyone for that matter.

11. Don’t let your losses keep you back from new gains.

12. Fall in love with someone who never lets you fall asleep thinking you’re unwanted. Someone who will never leave you behind and who will never take you for granted. Someone who will stand by you when you’re right and stand by you when you’re wrong.

13. Sometimes you miss the memories, not the person. People change, memories don’t.

14. The greatest prison that people live in is the fear of what other people think. Someone’s opinion of you does not have to become your reality. The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday. Caring too much about what people may say or think if you do something can keep you in the same old rut, unable to move forward and to live the life you truly want to live.

15. Pizza is always a good idea.

16. Don’t glamorize sadness. Sadness is not beautiful. Happiness is the most beautiful thing about a person.

17. Time is not a measure of quality; of infatuation, or of love. You can be in a relationship for two years and feel nothing; you can be in a relationship for 2 months and feel everything.

18. Sometimes all you need is some time in a beautiful place to clear your head.

19. Always be a little kinder than necessary. Kindness is contagious. You don’t know what someone else is going through and it’s not hard to make someone’s day a little special.

20. It will all be okay at the end of the day. Life has a funny way of working out.