Both the female kinkster and I talked about what we should do in the morning. While I dressed my arms hurt. All the impact play made me well aware of the previous fun night.
We decided to visit Northland. I haven't been there in at least 20 years. Its grown in size. It was so enjoyable to see the variety of foods and goodies readily available for purchase. We wandered around, bought bits and pieces and ate some yummy food.
At 11am, it was time to go back to our place to pack suitcases.
We needed to prepare for the female kinkster's kink event - a Little creche. It was evident the female kinkster was excited to be around other Littles. I was dropping her off at the event and then off to have lunch with Michellee.
The event started at 1pm.
I took the female kinkster into the venue. She was greeted by the Mother. I left her there.
Michellee I walked down Sydney Road and found a place to eat. Let me say people the food was exquisite at an inexpensive price. Well worth the meal, and company.
At 3pm, I went to collect the female kinkster. Who was buzzing at being around her likeminded kinksters... the Littles.
She could not contain her excitement and told me about all the 'stuff' they got up to. I was rapt for her. She finally had engagement with others of kink kind.

I was hungry and headed off to sushi place. Bloody beautiful.
We didn't have to wait long and we made our way down to lounge in readiness for board.
We boarded the plane and headed back to Hobart. My submissive bill collected us both and drove home. What a relief to be back in Hobart. The excitement of what we experienced over the weekend was incredible and I look forward to returning to Melbourne in May or June for some more kinky fun with likeminded.